Course 'Realistic AWS EC2 Configuration for Wildcard SSL Certificates'

This course picks up where Wildcard SSL Certificates for Play Framework & AWS CloudFront left off, however that course is not a prerequisite.

Setting up a web site that is powered by Amazon Web Services EC2, S3, CloudFront, Route 53 and Route 53 Domains is discussed in detail. Instructions and production-quality bash scripts are provided for so students can follow along with the lectures using AWS S3 and CloudFront. The bash scripts have been tested on Ubuntu, Mac OS/X and Cygwin. You can use the AWS free usage tier to type along with this lecture.

How to Study This Course

The video on the front page of this web site discusses how to study this course. The transcript tab contains the same information as the video in written form.


Wildcard SSL Certificates for Play Framework & AWS CloudFront.

Date Lecture Changes
2016-01-06   Early Access Program begins.
Price: $49usd